Monday, April 4, 2011

Supanova 2011

So, after many months of planning, Supanova is all done... for now. I had a great time at my first Supanova, and was happy with how everything went over the 3 days. I sold out of almost all the copies of Children of the In-between, and the postcards were popular. I loved meeting all my new fans, and striking up some promising business relationships, so thank you to those who came by my stall. :)

Supanova have released some news that some may find interesting. Since Christopher Lloyd couldn't make it, they're going to be holding another FULL 3 day Supanova in Brisbane during November! I'll definitely be exhibiting again, and I made a list of extra items that I think will be very popular at the next one.

Stall i1 in Artist's Alley
Sorry about the reflective vest, guys! :)

Me and Sarah from Labyrinth! There were some absolute MAD costumes there!

Busy signing merch for new fans :) (oh, and that's Hitman there)

More chats
Me and some dudes from Mortal Kombat. So rad!
My 'minion' sister with the Assassin.

I did have a pic with me and Marty McFly, but it didn't work out properly. So sad! :(


  1. Sounds like it was really fun! I have been too busy planning my newest exhibition... If you're still in Melbourne, we open tomorrow 2pm at 125 Smith St! :) Oh and if you're wondering who I am I'm Amz, I was in the year below you in NMIT! :)

  2. Hi Amz! Sorry it's taken 2 days to reply. Does Blogger actually alert you when you receive a message? I don't think it does!
    I haven't been in Melbs for a few months now, but I'm coming down around May 5 to talk to the newbies at NMIT. ;)
